Cally Jo Photography

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How to Make your Newborn Session Your Own

Newborn Photography Sessions are so special. They document this immensely beautiful period of time for your growing family. Babies grow so rapidly, and even in the few short weeks it takes to receive your images after your session, you may find that your little one has gotten bigger, their little features changing as they grow into who they will eventually become. Some families want to incorporate sentimental items into their session, to make these images even more unique and special to them.

So, What Kind of Sentimental Items Should You Bring to Your Newborn Photography Session?

First of all, let me be the first to tell you- you don’t have to bring anything at all. If something special to your family doesn’t immediately come to mind, you might choose not to bring something. And that is perfectly okay! Most Newborn Photographers are fully stocked with everything needed for the session (& more.) If you do want to bring something sentimental, my biggest tip is don’t over do it. Choose just one or two items that meant the most to your family. Remember, the most beautiful Newborn Photos are those that keep the focus on the subject: your beautiful new baby.

4 ideas for Sentimental Props for your Newborn Session:

  1. Homemade blanket. This is easily the most popular item for families to use in their session. If you have a knitted blanket that your great-grandmother made that you can’t wait to swaddle your little one up in, this is the perfect thing to bring! Or, if you’re like this Mama and you’ve taken up crocheting during your pregnancy, what better time to break out that blanket you handmade especially for your baby.

  2. Other family heirlooms. Is there a sentimental piece of jewelry, a vintage baby bonnet, or a beloved toy that has been in your family for generations? Utilizing a family heirloom in your session is such a special way to represent the connection between generations, and can really elevate your images into something even more special.

  3. Rainbows. “Rainbow Baby” is popular term that I’m sure you’ve heard before, used to refer to the joy and love a family feels after experiencing a loss. Most Newborn Photographers do have rainbow items you can choose from to incorporate into your session. However, if you have something special from home, perhaps a rainbow blanket, headband, or something from your babies nursery, your photographer can definitely utilize it in your session.

  4. Something to represent your IVF journey. Sometimes the road to conceiving isn’t easy, and families often want to document a piece of their struggle in their Newborn Photos. IVF syringes or pineapples have become a popular choice for families, and can commemorate this long road and hard work it took to start their family.

  5. Something to represent jobs, hobbies, or passions of the baby’s parents. Things like guitars, baseballs, cowboy hats, military badges, stethoscopes, or anything else that holds value to your family, can be a great addition to your session.

If you do choose to bring something from home, be sure to coordinate ahead of time with your photographer. Most Newborn Photographers will send out a survey, or do a consultation with you prior to your scheduled session. This is the perfect time to mention any items you wish to include in your images. Many photographers set up for your session ahead of time, and a lot of time and thought goes into planning and coordinating sets that incorporate your preferences, including any sentimental items you plan to bring.

No matter your decision, your newborn photos will be incredibly sentimental and special to you, because they document the most precious period of time in your child’s life, and represent the growth of your beloved family.