Newborn Client Guide

How long do sessions take? 

Sessions usually take around 2-3 hours, but that really depends on baby! We will stop to feed, change, and resettle as often as baby needs. Keep in mind that oftentimes during a session babies do wish to feed more frequently than what is typical, and “topping off” babe can help keep him or her happy and comfortable.

How do I prepare my home for a session? 

We will need to utilize a room with some open space, as I will be bringing a studio light, props, wraps, and other supplies. If there are curtains or shades to block out most of the natural light, that would be ideal. Please do not fret over cleaning the house! If we will be taking photos with parents and/ or siblings, you can start thinking of where in the home you’d like those taken, and then tidy up that area. Most people use their living room couch, baby’s nursery, or pick a light-colored wall as a backdrop for a more “studio” feel. 

How do I prepare my baby for the session? 

In the hour leading up to the session, keep baby active and awake with tummy time or even a bath. If possible, wait until I arrive to give a full feed. When I get there I will need to bring everything inside and get set up so you’ll have plenty of time to feed then. I would also recommend bumping the thermostat up that morning or prepping the room with a space heater to keep baby warm and comfortable. Have a few extra pacifiers handy as well. Even if baby doesn’t normally take one, a pacifier can make a huge difference in helping a baby to settle during the session.

What should we wear? 

Dress baby in a loose fitting outfit, such as zip up pajamas, so we can easily take it off before swaddling. For parents and siblings I recommend wearing something comfy and simple! Try to stay away from labels or busy patterns. Neutral colors are always a great choice!

Please reach out to me directly with any other questions you may have prior to your session!